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Exploring The Aftermath Of Heartbreak

Carolina de Deus's "Querido Futuro Namorado" Captivates with Poetic Lyrics

Exploring the Aftermath of Heartbreak

In her latest release, Brazilian singer-songwriter Carolina de Deus unveils a poignant ballad titled "Querido Futuro Namorado" (Dear Future Boyfriend). The song's captivating lyrics delve into the aftermath of heartbreak, capturing the emotional wounds left behind by a shattered heart.

A Plea for Understanding

The song opens with a heartfelt apology to the singer's future lover, expressing regret for the emotional scars she may carry from past experiences. Through introspective verses, she reveals the pain she has endured, painting vivid imagery of "collecting wounds" from those who have broken her trust.

De Deus's lyrics resonate deeply with anyone who has ever experienced the turmoil of heartbreak. Her words offer a glimpse into the vulnerability and resilience that follow such emotional trauma, reminding listeners that even in the darkest of times, hope can prevail.
